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Spring is here! UTC is once again in meetings mode—and I couldn’t be more excited.That’s right, we’ve just recently opened registration for the first in-person annual Telecom & Technology Conference...
As I write this, I am getting ready for UTC’s first step into in-person meetings since Spring 2020. This will be the first time as President and CEO that I...
Spring is right around the corner! Vaccines are rolling out, COVID-19 numbers are dropping, cities are opening up, and I just completed several meetings for my girls about school gradually...
The cold weather and snow covering my yard reminds me that winter is here. It can be difficult, in these days of quarantine and social distance, to tell one day...
As I write this, my mind still goes back to what happened in the U.S. Capitol—indeed, our Capitol—on Jan. 6, 2021. There’s no need to rehash the details; those of...
Ok I’ll admit it—I love this time of year. I love how people come together, I love the fellowship, and I just love that the holidays seem to bring out...