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UTC Members Elect Lambert, Day, Mayson to Leadership Positions

UTC Members Elect Lambert, Day, Mayson to Leadership Positions

Arlington, VA, August 31, 2021 Energy and water utility representatives from across the U.S. elected Paul Lambert of East River Electric Cooperative as the new Chairman of the Utilities Technology Council Board of Directors, effective through May 2022.


During UTC’s Annual Telecom & Technology Conference’s Membership Meeting on August 26, utility representatives approved Chair Lambert as well as Dewey Day of Pacific Gas & Electric as Vice-Chair, and Kirt Mayson of NorthWestern Energy as Secretary/Treasurer. Each will serve in these capacities until the membership elects new officers during UTC’s Telecom & Technology Annual Conference in Oklahoma City scheduled for May 2022.


UTC is the global association at the nexus of the energy, utility, and telecommunications industries. Representing energy and water providers of all sizes and ownership structures, UTC advocates for access to the information and communications technologies (ICT) needed for the safe and reliable delivery of these vital services.


“First of all I would like to thank our outgoing Chairman Greg Angst for his steadfast leadership of UTC over these last few years,” Acting Chairman Lambert said. “Greg signed up for a year-long term, like the rest of us, but due to the pandemic and our inability to meet last year, he ended up serving two-plus years. Thank you, Greg, for your unwavering commitment to UTC and our industry.”


“My thanks also to the UTC Board for this honor. These last few years have thrown an unprecedented number of challenges our way, from historically damaging storms, frequently evolving attacks on our infrastructure, and now the coronavirus pandemic. Yet at every turn our industry has responded with resilience. Throughout my term, I look forward to working with my fellow colleagues and the UTC team to collaborate and build upon our successes. Our industry is truly essential to the economic livelihood of our nation, and I am proud to be a part of it. My congratulations to Vice Chairman Day and Secretary/Treasurer Kirt Mayson.”


“When I look back on the last two years, it staggers me to think of how much has changed,” said Immediate Past Chair Angst. “No one knew the pandemic would upend our industry and so many of our lives. But I am proud of how our industry and association responded. Proud, but not surprised. Ours is an industry that plans for the unknown, so we were ready when the pandemic hit. We’ve managed to move the needle on utility broadband and have successfully raised awareness in Washington about our industry’s critical need for spectrum. I would like to thank the UTC Board and our membership, but also the UTC staff, especially President and CEO Sheryl Osiene-Riggs. Sheryl led the team through the worst of the pandemic, and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together now that we are recovering. UTC is an outstanding organization, and I am humbled to have been your Chairman.”


Chairman Lambert is a supervisor in the Telecommunications Department at East River Electric Power Cooperative in Madison, S.D., where his direct responsibilities include mobile trunked radio, SCADA, load management, multiple wireless systems and their associated antenna systems, and standby generator backups. He has worked in the utility telecommunications field for more than four decades.  He is a graduate of Lake Area Technical College (LATC) in Watertown, S.D., with a degree in Electronics/Communications. He holds a First Class Federal Communications Commission Operators License and is a certified tower climber. Chairman Lambert previously served on the Advisory Board for the electronics program at LATC and served on the Lake County 911 Communications Committee.


Chairman Lambert has been an active participant in UTC’s Region 5 for many years and is a past officer and Chairman. He currently serves on the International Board of Directors for the Knights of Columbus and he and his wife Julie are the parents of four adult children and have five grandchildren.


“Congratulations to Chair Lambert, Vice Chair Day, and Secretary/Treasurer Mayson,” said UTC President and CEO Sheryl Osiene-Riggs. “Once again, the UTC Membership has elected a slate of leaders who will continue to push us forward. Chair Lambert has been involved with UTC for decades and I am excited about the next year and beyond. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank and salute Immediate Past Chair Angst. What a run we’ve had! I am so thankful for his leadership and support. We all owe Greg a huge debt.”



About UTC

The Utilities Technology Council (UTC) is a global trade association dedicated to serving critical infrastructure providers. Through advocacy, education and collaboration, UTC creates a favorable business, regulatory and technology environment for our members who own or operate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems in support of their core business. For more information:



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