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Utilities Technology Council Core and Associate Organizational Member Logo Use Guidelines & Agreement

Establishing a uniform brand image amongst our members is a top priority. Our brand must be ingrained in the minds of the utility industry, congressional leaders, federal agencies, prospective members, related industry partners, and many more. With this goal in mind, we have created the UTC Core and Associate Member Logos. The UTC identity must always be applied consistently, and care must be taken to avoid misuse. As a result, we have created the following guidelines and agreements to ensure consistency and uniformity. Please contact if you have any questions.

The Utilities Technology Council’s (UTC) Organizational Core and Associate members are encouraged to identify themselves as UTC members or refer to their UTC Membership or participation in a UTC activity in the context of professional commercial activities or communications, provided the usage does not imply UTC approval, endorsement, or recommendation, including without limitation concerning any content, company, product, or service.

UTC Associate and Core members may use the UTC Member Logo to identify themselves as UTC members and agree to and comply with the following requirements and restrictions relating to the use of the UTC Associate and Core Member Logos (“Member Logo”):

  1. Authorized Use of Member Logo: A UTC Associate or Core member in good standing may use the Member Logo to represent their status as a UTC Member in professional advertising and informational materials, including business cards, letterhead, website, brochures, social media, email advertising, and other marketing materials. The UTC Member Logo may not be used in any other manner without the prior written consent of UTC. UTC may rescind permission to use the UTC Member Logo at any time at UTC’s sole discretion.
  2. Termination: If an organization’s UTC membership expires, lapses, or is otherwise terminated by UTC, the member agrees that it will discontinue the use of the Member Logo and will remove the Member Logo from all advertising and informational materials, both print and online, and internet sites immediately. If an organization has not renewed its membership at the end of its membership term, it must cease using the Member Logo immediately upon membership expiration.
  3. Proper Appearance of Member Logo: The Member Logo must always be used in its entirety, without any changes made to its shape or contents, and must be displayed in its proper colors of white and blue: PMS 7468, (For Print) -CMYK C97+M45+Y26+K3, (For Web) – RGB R0+G115+B154, HEX 0007299.
    • Always reproduce the logo in one color on a white background whenever possible.
    • When production constraints do not allow the one-color version, use the black version of the logo. Whenever production constraints to a dark background color, please refer to the white color logo. No other color is permitted.
    • When displayed, the Member Logo cannot appear more prominent than the member’s company logo. Materials that include the Member Logo must clearly indicate that the member is the source of the educational goods or services advertised.
  4. Proper Use of Member Logo:
    • The Member Logo must stand by itself and may not be combined with any marks, designations, or logos related to other groups, programs, or organizations.
    • The Member Logo may not be used in any fashion that would imply that the member is affiliated with UTC in any way other than as an organizational member.
    • The Member Logo may not be published in conjunction with any statement or material that, in UTC’s judgment, may be harmful to UTC’s goodwill or may tend to undermine UTC’s credibility. The Member Logo generally may be used in the exact location as other affiliation marks or logos. Still, it must remain separate and distinct to avoid confusion and the appearance that other marks, groups, programs, or organizations are associated with or endorsed by UTC.
    • Use of the Member Logo on a member’s website must include a hyperlink to the UTC webpage
    • At UTC’s request, the member shall provide UTC with copies of all materials containing the Member Logo for review, including, but not limited to, brochures, line sheets, advertisements, social media references, and promotional materials.
  5. Right to Revise or Discontinue Member Logo Use: It is within UTC’s sole and exclusive discretion to require that a member revise or discontinue its use of the Member Logo. If a UTC member fails to modify or discontinue the use of the Member Logo as directed by UTC, UTC retains the right to terminate that organization’s membership.
  6. Non-Assignment/Non-Transferability: Permission to use the Member Logo is limited to the individual organization, and the UTC Member Logo may not be assigned to, transferred to, or otherwise used by any other organization, business, or entity.
  7. Reporting Obligations: A UTC member has the responsibility to report the unauthorized use, misuse, or other violation of this policy to UTC in a timely manner, including any circumstances where a member becomes aware of the use or infringement of the Member Logo by an unauthorized individual or organization, or the improper use of the Member Logo by a UTC member.
  8. Ownership Rights: UTC retains all ownership rights concerning the Member Logo and its other corporate logos. All matters concerning the proper use of the Provider Logo should be directed to

Your acceptance as a UTC Associate or Core Member indicates you agree to comply with the requirements and restrictions stated in this Agreement and all applicable UTC policies incorporated by this reference.

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