UTC’s U.S. Regions are the focal point for localized networking and educational activities. UTC member companies in the United States automatically become members of the UTC Region(s) in which they operate. Each of these Regions has its own Chairperson who is elected by the members of each region. Each Region sponsors a regional UTC meeting and serves as an on-going resource for employees of UTC member companies in that geographic Region.
Regional Division Chair: Sue Hoffman, Southern Company
Regional Division Vice-Chair: Khai Tran, SMUD – Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Region 1 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 1 officers:
Chair (Interim): Jason Wang, Eversource
Vice-Chair: Marloon Paula Gonzalez, National Grid
Secretary / Treasurer: Sohail Usmani, National Grid
Region 2 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 2 officers:
Chair: Marwan Madi, NYPA
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Secretary / Treasurer: Vacant
Region 3 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 3 officers:
Chair: Justin Hardy, Southern Company
Vice-Chair: Casey Harris, Duke Energy
Secretary / Treasurer: Vacant
Region 4 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 4 officers:
Chair: Paul Zawada, American Electric Power
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Secretary / Treasurer: Christopher Pozorski, American Electric Power
Region 5 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 5 officers:
Chair: Michael Tate, Great River Energy
Vice-Chair: Curtis Reule, Montana-Dakota Utilities
Secretary / Treasurer: Chris Buckmaster, WEC Energy Group
Region 6 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 6 officers:
Chair: Alex Porter, Ameren
Vice-Chair: Neal McGrath, Lincoln Electric System
Secretary / Treasurer: Kyle McCormick, Lincoln Electric System
Region 7 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 7 officers:
Chair: Keisha Sauls, CenterPoint
Vice-Chair: Gabriel Garcia, CPS Energy
Secretary / Treasurer: Richie Cepeda, Lower Colorado River Authority
Region 8 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 8 officers:
Chair: Anthony Romero, Tri-State G&T
Vice-Chair: Travis Phifer, Tri-State G&T
Secretary / Treasurer: Steven Louria, Western Area Power Association
Region 9 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 9 officers:
Chair: Shawna Kiesbuy, Avista Corporation
Vice-Chair: David Parkhurst, Grant County PUD
Secretary / Treasurer: Bryan Rask, Avista Corporation
Region 10 includes:
Have any questions or are interested in hearing more about how UTC can play a role in your company? Contact our Region 10 officers:
Chair: Khai Tran, SMUD
Vice-Chair: Arun Orn, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Secretary / Treasurer: Mehrdad Eftekhari, NV Energy