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Fiber has a well-earned reputation for reliability. However, many fiber users don’t fully appreciate the extent of engineering depth that has gone into the understanding of fiber strength and reliability. This webinar will take a deeper look into the factors that affect fiber and cable strength and reliability, with a special focus on aerial network applications. This is important for utilities planning fiber deployments and utilities maintaining existing aerial fiber systems. Specific topics to be covered include how fiber and cable manufacturing influence fiber strength and reliability, what happens to a fiber when a cable is under an ice and/or wind load, why fiber lasts, and how utilities can design and install reliable networks.
$145 for members/$245 for non-members.
Mark Boxer | Applications Engineering Manager
Mark Boxer is the Applications Engineering Manager for OFS. In this role, he assists customers deploying fiber in a wide variety of network design scenarios around the world and analyzes trends in telecommunications markets that drive new product innovation. Mark has a BME degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, and has spent his 30+ year career in the fiber industry. His experience includes varied roles in manufacturing and applications engineering for fiber-based products and markets. Other activities include inventor of 5 US Patents, past member and Secretary of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Fiber Optic Working Group, and contributing member to the Fiber Broadband Association (formerly FTTH Council) Technology Committee
Because of the interest this webinar received in October,
we are hosting it again. Please join us!
Many electric utilities are intrigued by the idea of offering high-speed broadband to their residents and customers as an expansion of their own fiber networks. Many of these utilities may be jumping into decisions that may not be fully vetted and could have a big impact of the viability of the electric utility long term. This webinar will lay out the technology and business case aspects that most impact building a Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) network. It will offer insights on common sense business case considerations to evaluate when considering FTTP, approaches which can be taken and technical understanding needed to pursue FTTP.
PRICE: $145 for members | $245 for non-member?
Mr. Asp earned a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from North Dakota State University and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas – St. Paul, MN. He has more than 35 years of experience in communication planning and business development for electric cooperative and public power systems.
He is recognized as a nationwide expert in evaluating and offering recommendations regarding electric utility broadband communications systems. Tom has been actively involved with broadband market research, network feasibility analysis, broadband system design, and the preparation of financial statements and quantitative business plan analysis for electric cooperative, municipal, and public power clients for more 20 years. He also has extensive experience presenting to utility leadership, conducting needs assessment interviews, and facilitating stakeholder sessions.
Faced with ever-growing demands in grid management, electric utility providers are modernizing their power distribution networks to increase the reliability, resiliency, and security of the power grid. Join us to hear from Southern Company on how Alabama Power is using the combination of point-to-multipoint fiber access and high-density coordination of line devices to achieve a more economical, reliable, resilient and smarter grid with significantly reduced outages and outage durations.
In addition, FiberRise will present expert guidance on fiber network designs that combine redundancy with PON technology to achieve greater smart grid reliability and fiber plant efficiencies achievable by PON economies of scale. As part of that discussion, ADTRAN will provide an overview of current and future PON technologies and discuss the value of the modern fiber access platform as a long-term solution for the enhanced communications system serving the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s power distribution networks.
Justin Harrison | Engineering Supervisor, APC Power Delivery Connectivity & Innovation
Justin Harrison has worked in the electric utility industry for over twenty years. He began his career at Southern Company in the generating plant performance group, before moving to power delivery at Alabama Power, where he has supervised engineering, construction, and technical support groups. Beginning in 2016, Justin was responsible for coordinating engineering and construction of the first Fiber to Distribution (FTD) project on the utility’s system. He is now part of Power Delivery Connectivity and Innovation, a newly formed group which oversees statewide T&D fiber installation projects.
Joe Reeser | Business Development Manager, Customer Engagement & Solutions, ADTRAN
Joe has over 25 years of experience in advanced broadband access technologies and packet optical transport systems. As well as experience building and deploying large data centers and designing complex networks. Joe’s current focus at ADTRAN is Consulting Engineering Firms and the RSP market throughout the United States.
Noah’s expertise includes broadband network design, implementation, technical support, training and best practice development, business development, and technical sales. He has worked with the nation’s largest FTTH providers, as well as the Southeast’s largest FTTH deployment, and has assisted with the network support for electric utilities and electric cooperatives throughout the Southeast. In addition to his fiber expertise, Noah has direct wireless experience for residential broadband services, back-haul, and business broadband solutions. He has been directly involved in establishing one of the industry’s first five nines FTTP networks focused on reliability, availability, and quality for residential FTTH service.