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UTC files comments with FCC in 706 proceeding on broadband availability
UTC filed reply comments in the Federal Communications Commission’s Inquiry Concerning Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Capability to All Americans in a Reasonable and Timely Fashion. Read More
UTC files comments in NTIA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Data Centers
On November 4, 2024, UTC filed comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration responding to its Request For Comments on Bolstering Data Center Growth, Resilience, and Security.Read More
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CEO Corner
NRECA Urges Location True-Up Process Before Final BEAD Awards
On October 31, NRECA sent a letter to NTIA expressing concern about the potential for BEAD funds being used to overbuild locations with fiber-to-the-home connections. In the time since eligible locations were determined and the state map challenge processes occurred, many rural ISPs have continued to construct fiber broadband networks using private capital and connect new customers. Due to this ongoing progress, NRECA encouraged NTIA to require states to establish an expedited “true-up” process for BEAD eligible locations prior to approval of final awards to avoid overbuilding existing fiber-to-the-home networks. Read More
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Announces First Round of Awards for Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar today announced an initial award of about $18.5 million in grant funding benefiting 17 counties across the state as part of the Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program. This initial funding will support the deployment of broadband to rural, unserved areas by partially reimbursing grant awardees who’ve replaced more than 11,000 poles that support retail broadband services. Read More
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Remote Transformer Monitoring and Reliability
Get a crystal-clear picture of your distribution transformers, help improve System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) while reducing O&M costs and the economic impact of outages.
This short demonstration shows you how Ubicquia’s UbiGrid DTM Monitor leverages UbiVu to help better manage electrical grids with real-time data and predictive insights.
SCE is transforming the grid with 5G
In roughly five years, California will arrive at its first critical milestone on the journey toward a decarbonized economy- Opens in new window — reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 1990 levels. Read More
Thermo Bond, Building Solutions
Thermo Bond Buildings manufactures buildings built to your specifications and fully integrated to meet your needs. Our experienced technicians and licensed electricians have the ability to engineer, procure and install whatever specialized equipment your project may require. Thermo Bond Buildings provides customers with quality products, customer satisfaction, and operational excellence.
Cybersecurity and Other Priorities: Industry Perspective with Shirley Bloomfield
Shirley Bloomfield wants every broadband company to understand the importance of placing cybersecurity among their top priorities: “What I would love to see come out of CyberShare is proselytizing to the rest of the broadband industry to say, ‘I know it’s scary, and I know it’s a pain, and I know you’re afraid it’s going to be expensive, but you can’t afford to leave your networks vulnerable.’” Read More
Transmission is ‘best low-risk, high-growth’ way to play the AI-energy boom, says Sempra CEO
High-voltage transmission development is the “best low-risk and high-growth” way to profit from energy demand associated with artificial intelligence and industrialization in Texas, Sempra Chairman and CEO Jeff Martin said Wednesday during the company’s third-quarter earnings call. Sempra owns Oncor Electric Delivery, the largest distribution utility in the Lone Star State. Read More
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Announces First Round of Awards for Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar today announced an initial award of about $18.5 million in grant funding benefiting 17 counties across the state as part of the Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program. This initial funding will support the deployment of broadband to rural, unserved areas by partially reimbursing grant awardees who’ve replaced more than 11,000 poles that support retail broadband services. Read More
U.S. utilities: An overlooked growth market?
If you had to name a cutting-edge sector with high growth potential, I doubt that utilities would instantly spring to mind. After all, the sector has historically been known for its relative stability and reliable dividend payers rather than for any inherent dynamism. Read More
Flexible, Essential Smart Grid Solutions
Trilliant provides 30+ years of dedicated technology innovation for utilities worldwide, offering: superior, device-independent head-end system that integrates with all meters and devices; reliable, secure, next-gen network technologies and cellular; mission-critical applications including AMI, Analytics, DERMs, Distributed Automation, Sub-Metering and more. Discover the Power of Choice.