22 Jul UTC Applauds NARUC Resolution Supporting Utility Broadband Services
WASHINGTON—July 21, 2021–Utilities Technology Council President and CEO Sheryl Osiene-Riggs issued the following statement applauding the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ approval of a resolution supporting utilities’ efforts to deploy broadband to unserved and underserved areas:
“On behalf of the Utilities Technology Council, I wish to thank and applaud our nation’s state utility regulators for highlighting the important role utilities can play in bringing broadband services to all corners of the country. Electric utilities of all kinds—investor-owned, cooperative, and public power–empower broadband deployment. Hundreds of cooperative and municipally owned utilities are directly providing high-speed, resilient broadband services in unserved and underserved areas. At the same time, a growing number of investor-owned utilities are deploying middle-mile broadband networks to help connect similarly situated parts of the country.
“However, there are still barriers in numerous states that are preventing more utilities from connecting their communities with broadband. NARUC’s resolution encourages states to consider removing restrictions preventing utilities from offering broadband services, which can include using their rights-of-way for broadband networks. NARUC also suggests developing a model statute that states may use to address regulatory barriers. UTC supports these efforts and looks forward to working with NARUC and its members.
“It is clear to me that broadband access is as important today as electricity was a century ago. Electric utilities are well-positioned to promote broadband access, either directly or through innovative partnerships with other entities. My sincere thanks and gratitude to NARUC for passing this important resolution.”
–UTC President and CEO Sheryl Osiene-Riggs
About UTC
The Utilities Technology Council (UTC) is a global trade association dedicated to serving critical infrastructure providers. Through advocacy, education and collaboration, UTC creates a favorable business, regulatory and technology environment for our members who own or operate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems in support of their core business. For more information: UTC.org