03 Feb Super Sunday Discussion on Outage Reporting for VoIP and Broadband Providers
Washington, DC—Utilities Telecom Council’s (UTC) Vice President, Strategic Initiatives and General Counsel, Mike Oldak is part of an esteemed panel of telecommunication professionals. The panel will focus on National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) consideration of extending outage reporting to VoIP and Broadband Providers. Oldak represents critical infrastructure industries (CII) who support reporting requirements that allow CII to determine if VoIP and Broadband providers can meet the necessary reliability requirements of CII.
“Utilities need reliable communications to support the safe, secure and efficient delivery of essential services to the public at large. UTC agrees with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and commenters on the record that adopting rules that extend the Part 4 network outage reporting requirements to apply to broadband and interconnected VoIP should promote the reliability of these services. To the extent that utilities use commercial services, these rules should promote the reliability of utility communications and the underlying essential electric, gas and water services that they provide,” Oldak said.
The FCC proposed to extend service outage reporting requirements currently applied to incumbent and competitive local exchange carriers, wireless, cable and satellite communications service providers to interconnected VoIP service providers.
Utility telecommunications is integral to reliable and secure utility services. UTC is the premier trade association navigating the convergence of telecommunications, operations and information technology to identify, innovate and enable mission critical solutions for essential utility services. Since 1948, UTC is the source and resource for information and communications tech
– See more at: https://www.utc.org/press-release/super-sunday-discussion-outage-reporting-voip-and-broadband-providers#sthash.VWaSH81K.dpuf