20 Aug Smart Network Council Adds New Board Members After 2012-2013 Elections
Washington, DC—The Utilities Telecom Council’s (UTC) Smart Networks Council (SNC) has added 13 new industry leaders to its 2012-2013 Board. The SNC is an independent operating unit dedicated towards connecting utilities and vendor partners to framing a vision and plan for the modern networked grid. The incoming Chairman for the 2012-2013 year is Doug McGinnis, Senior Manager of Network Services for Exelon. The newly-elected officers are: Ron Bilodeau of NV Energy; Dan Belmont of West Monroe Partners; Andres Carvallo of Proximetry; John Chowdhury of Fujitsu; Paul Fetherland of Hawaiian Electric Company; Karlton Fredebeil of Tennessee Valley Authority, Bruce Le of Southern California Edison; Michael Masa of CLECO; Matt Schnell of Nebraska Public Power District; Mike Robinson of CISCO; Michael Loiacono of Siemens; Mark Madden of Alcatel-Lucent; and Theoplis Woodard of CenterPoint.
The SNC was founded in 2008. The activities of the group are directed by an industry-elected Board of Directors that are comprised of well-known and highly-involved leaders of the utility telecom sector. Since 1948, UTC has served as the source and resource for information and communications techno.