28 Nov Request for Nominations UTC Secretary-Treasurer Board Position
As UTC Chair, I am soliciting nominations for the UTC Board of Directors Secretary/Treasurer position. The open position is an elected UTC Board Officer role. The Secretary/Treasurer is a member of UTC’s Executive Committee and confirmed by a majority vote of the UTC voting membership.
UTC Secretary/Treasurer – Role and Responsibilities
The Secretary/Treasurer is the official recording officer of UTC, responsible for ensuring that minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and the Voting Members are taken, records are kept and authenticated, and notices are sent.
The Secretary/Treasurer is also the financial officer, responsible for oversight of revenues and expenditures, and for reporting on UTC’s financial affairs to the Board of Directors and the Membership.
Abbreviated List of UTC Officer Criteria
UTC Officers should have the following qualities:
Be in a current position within their organizations that affords some experience in dealing with and being at ease with senior management and government officials.
Have budget responsibilities within their organizations.
Have supervisory experience with a staff similar in size to the UTC staff.
Have the full support of their senior management to enable them to take the necessary time, including travel and expenses as a UTC officer.
Be a consensus builder able to make decisions after hearing all sides and perspectives.
Be able to bring along dissenters with strong leadership.
Have leadership experience working/serving in and knowledge of UTC divisions and/or committees.
Should have at least 4-8 years as a volunteer with UTC, including holding positions within UTC of increasing responsibility.
Be willing to operate transparently, ethically, and with integrity.
The UTC Secretary/Treasurer position is a four-year engagement that provides the candidate the opportunity to progress to Vice-Chair, Chair, and Immediate-Past Chair positions.
Nominations are requested to be submitted by January 31, 2025. All nominations should be sent directly to UTC at utcgovernance@utc.org. UTC’s Nominating Committee will conduct interviews and recommend the final candidate for the UTC Secretary/Treasurer position.
Gary Vondrasek
UTC Chair Board of Directors