23 May Dondanville and Meehan Awards Presented at UTC TELECOM 2012
Orlando, FL— The Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) presented the Dondanville Award to Ed Ingersoll who retired from Gainesville Regional Utilities in Gainesville, FL and the Meehan Award to Doug McGinnis from PECO in Philadelphia, PA. The Dondanville and Meehan Awards are UTC’s distinguished service awards in which individuals are selected by their peers in the utility industry.
The Dondanville Award is named after UTC’s first president, Russell V. Dondanville. This award recognizes an individual’s service and dedication to the industry and UTC. Prior to retiring from Gainesville Regional Utility at the end of 2011, Ingersoll served in various prominent leadership positions which helped promote UTC in the utility industry. These roles included Chairman of the Research Committee, Chair of UTC Region 3 and serving on the UTC Board of Directors.
“I am truly blessed and deeply honored for being selected to receive the Dondanville Award, one of the most prestigious awards the UTC organization can bestow upon its members. I am proud to join the group of Dondanville Award recipients, a group of individuals I have long admired for their service to UTC,” Ingersoll remarked.
The Meehan Award, in honor of UTC’s first Executive Director, Mike Meehan, recognizes an individual’s extraordinary efforts in helping to build UTC over the past year. McGinnis’ contributions to the industry have increased UTC’s profile in the broader telecommunications industry. For the second consecutive year, McGinnis will continue his role as Vice Chairman for the Smart Networks Council, Board of Directors and other industry groups.
“UTC is about advancing the telecommunications agenda in support of the utility industry. It is up to us in the industry to provide leadership to drive that agenda. To be recognized by UTC and my colleagues in this manner is indeed a humbling honor and very much unexpected.” McGinnis said.
Chairman Awards were also given to recipients for their leadership service throughout the year. Ron Taylor, Salt River Project in Nevada, was recognized for his exceptional leadership of the Technical Division. Cornelius Naidoo, ESKOM in South Africa, was honored for his leadership assisting with the logistics and promotion associated with (UTC Europe) EUTC’s Smart Grid training in South Africa. Dymitr Wajsman and Ronaldo Collecta Santarem, UTC Latin American representatives, were acknowledged for the success of the UTC America Latina meeting in March, 2012 which planted the seed for a Latin America and UTC partnership. Finally, Tom Perry, from Santee Cooper in South Carolina, was appreciated for his leadership as Vice Chairman and strategic planning.
Utility telecommunications is integral to reliable and secure utility services. UTC is the premier trade association navigating the convergence of telecommunications, operations and information technology to identify, innovate and enable mission critical solutions for essential utility services. Since 1948, UTC has served as the source and resource for information and communications technology (ICT) solutions, collaboration and advocacy for utilities and other critical infrastructure industries.
– See more at: https://www.utc.org/press-release/dondanville-and-meehan-awards-presented-utc-telecom-2012#sthash.4UmWOcNu.dpuf