Among Us MOD APK

Since 1948, UTC has been the industry source and resource on matters affecting the communications and information technology interests of the nation’s electric, gas, and water utilities and other critical infrastructure industries (CII).  Its members include large investor-owned utilities, smaller rural cooperative and municipal utilities, as well as oil and gas pipeline companies.  All of UTCs members own, maintain, and operate extensive communications networks that support the safe, reliable, and effective delivery of essential energy and water services to millions of American homes and businesses.  That is why UTC advocates for policies that protect and promote the development of utility communications networks and information technology systems.

UTC’s Public Policy Division routinely develops resources regarding topics of particular importance in Washington, D.C., across the country, and around the world.

If there are key topics you are interested in and need more information, please click here to contact UTC’s Advocacy/Government Affairs Department. 

Issue Briefs

Below is a topical listing of the Issue Briefs created to date, click on each one to read it.
UTC Public Policy staff will update these Issue Briefs on a quarterly or as needed basis.

Upcoming event

Mar 05 - 07

Jacksonville, FL

Security and IT/OT Issues

Advocacy Filings

UTC believes we need to promote utility spectrum access and utility innovation as part of integrated policies for safe, clean, and secure energy, water and gas services, which are essential to improving U.S. economic productivity, enhancing our quality of life, protecting our environment and ensuring our Nation’s security.

Utilities and other CII face increasing demands for wireless communications in order to support smart grid and cybersecurity requirements.  They lack access to sufficient and suitable RF spectrum to meet their increasing communications needs.  At the same time, they face challenges affecting their existing wireless communications systems, due to interference and congestion, as well as reallocation of radiofrequency spectrum by the FCC.   UTC is working to promote access to sufficient and suitable spectrum to meet the increasing communications needs of utilities and other CII, and to protect their existing communications networks against threats to their operational reliability, safety and security.

Access to spectrum for critical infrastructure remains a highest priority, and in 2017, UTC made significant progress on this important program of work. Click each + below to read more.

UTC Public Policy Division Resources:

Spectrum issues

700 MHz Band

UTC is the recognized voice of utility issues regarding participation in the FirstNet deployment program.

FirstNet and the 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network. UTC urges FirstNet to share the 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network with utilities, which could accelerate the deployment of the network, particularly in rural areas, and which could create synergies that would enhance the reliability and promote the economic sustainability of the network going forward.  Despite these clear public interest benefits, there is uncertainty regarding utility priority access to the network, which discourages utility investment and participation in the network.   Hence, UTC urges FirstNet to provide utilities with priority access in order to promote utility investment and partnerships with public safety, which will accelerate network deployment and promote ongoing sustainability and reliability.

800 MHz EB/GB

900 MHz Realignment

(6 May 2020) Notice of Ex Parte Letter –Regarding the FCC’s Review of the Commission’s Rules Governing the 896-901/935-940 MHz Band, WT Docket No. 17-200, filed jointly with the Edison Electric Institute

(2 July 2019) Reply Comments of the Utilities Technology Council — Regarding the FCC’s Review of the Commission’s Rules Governing the 896-901/935-940 MHz Band, WT Docket No. 17-200

(3 June 2019) Comments of the Utilities Technology Council — Regarding the FCC’s Review of the Commission’s Rules Governing the 896-901/935-940 MHz Band, WT Docket No. 17-200

(8 March 2019) Notice of Ex Parte Presentation — Regarding the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking into the Realignment of the 900 MHz Band [NOTE: UTC met with each commissioner office and filed identical notices for each meeting.]

(15 October 2018) Petition for Reconsideration or Clarification of the Utilities Technology Council — Regarding the FCC’s Temporary Filing Freeze on the Acceptance of Certain Part 90 Applications for the 900 MHz Band Spectrum.

Read the Full Comments Here

(2 November 2017) Reply Comments of the Utilities Technology Council and the Gridwise Alliance –  Regarding the FCC’s 900 MHz Realignment Notice of Inquiry

Pursuant to sections 1.415 and 1.419 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or “Commission”) Rules, the Utilities Technology Council (“UTC”) and the GridWise Alliance (“GridWise”) hereby submit these reply comments in response to the Commission’s Notice of Inquiry (“NOI”) in the above-referenced proceeding. 1 The comments in the proceeding focus on the proposal by the Enterprise Wireless Alliance and pdvWireless, Inc. (EWA/PDV) to realign the band. 2 Importantly, there are areas of consensus, though sharp differences remain and some issues warrant additional clarification. Some of the questions that surround the proposal by EWA/PDV have been answered in their comments in response to the NOI, although there are still more questions that need to be answered.

Read the full comments here.

(2 October 2017) UTC has concerns about expanding commercial use of existing Business and Industrial/Land Transportation channels in the 900 MHz band, because it is concerned that doing so will exacerbate the shortage of available channels for private internal communications and will encourage speculation by commercial entities. The Commission should promote utility access to broadband to meet utilities’ increasing communications needs, but ensure that any realignment of the 900 MHz band protects incumbent utility narrowband communications systems and enables them to access additional channels to increase capacity and coverage. In that regard, the Commission should reserve the 900 MHz band for utilities going forward. Finally, the Commission should retain existing site-by-site licensing in the 900 MHz band and should not adopt geographic area licensing and auctions.


(12January2015) UTC created a 900 MHz Working Group and organized industry comments to the FCC. This effort is ongoing and we encourage member participation in the 900 MHz Working Group.

Some of the pending proceedings at the FCC include:

900 MHz Realignment. The FCC is considering a petition to realign the 900 MHz band, which many utilities use for voice and data communications to support mission critical applications that affect operational safety and reliability.  The proposed realignment would create a broadband block of spectrum in the band.  While this could provide broadband spectrum which utilities need, it also threatens to cause interference to incumbent utility networks and would force them to relocate and operate on other frequencies, which could disrupt communications, impair reliability and impose significant capital and operational costs on utilities.  On balance, the threat to utility systems in the band would outweigh the potential benefits for utilities and other CII, and UTC urges the FCC to ensure that utility systems are protected as part of any potential realignment of the band.

(21 Sept. 2015) Commercial Use of Private 900 MHz Channels. The FCC is considering a petition seeking to eliminate restrictions in the rules that prevent entities from applying to use private 900 MHz channels for commercial services.  Here, the petition is proposing to provide machine-to-machine (M2M) services for smart grid and other applications.  UTC opposes this petition because it threatens to deplete the availability of channels for use by utilities for private wireless communications.

3.5 GHz Band

3.5 GHz Band. The FCC has issued an Order that finalizes the rules for the 3.5 GHz band, and it also has issued a Public Notice inviting comment on the size of the Grandfathered Wireless Protection Zones for incumbent systems – including many by utilities – in the 3.65 GHz part of the band.  The 3.5 GHz band represents access to an additional 100 MHz of spectrum for utilities, which will be licensed on a Priority Access License (PAL) and Generally Authorized Access (GAA) basis.  At the same time, the inclusion of GAA operations in the 3.65 GHz part of the band threatens to cause harmful interference to incumbent systems, many of which are operated by utilities.  UTC’s position is to promote opportunities for utilities to make effective use of the 3.5 GHz band while protecting the investments that utilities have already made in 3.65 GHz incumbent systems.

4.9 GHz Band

UTC has positioned utilities for access to 50 megahertz of spectrum in the 4.9 GHz band. The FCC hasn’t issued a decision yet, but we expect it to do so soon. This band could provide backhaul capacity to nearby substations and fiber networks, thereby enabling higher capacity applications and offloading traffic from wide-area land mobile and microwave communications networks.

The FCC is considering allowing utilities to share spectrum with public safety in order to make more effective use of the 4.9 GHz band.  UTC supports making utilities eligible to license spectrum in the band and has worked with public safety to develop a band plan that is endorsed by the public safety community.   This could provide synergies that would serve the public interest in energy and water, as well as public safety services.  UTC urges the FCC to issue a further rulemaking proceeding that would enable utilities to become licensees, which could also lead to public private partnerships with public safety on shared systems.

6 GHz Band

Licensed 6 GHz Stakeholders meet with FCC Chair and Commissioners’ offices

(28 December 2021) DC Circuit Court of Appeals sides with FCC, generally deferring to FCC’s expertise

(7 December 2021) Licensed 6 GHz Stakeholders file Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Stay

(7 July 2021) Utilities Brief FCC Acting Chair Rosenworcel Staff on Testing Report Demonstrating Interference in 6 GHz Spectrum Band

(25 June 2021) UTC Raises ‘Serious Concerns’ with New Data Finding Interference with Utility Communications Systems in 6 GHz Band, ex parte letter to FCC Office of Engineering and Technology

(24 June 2021) Southern Testing Confirms New 6 GHz-enabled Devices Will Interfere with Mission-Critical Utility, Public Safety Systems

(2 April 2021) FCC ‘Failed’ to Mitigate Risks in April 2020 Order Permitting Unlicensed Use in 6 GHz Spectrum Band, Group Tells Federal Court

(23 March 2021) Device-to-Device Communications in 6 GHz Band Increases Interference Concerns, UTC-Led Coalition Says

(4 March 2021) UTC, Public Safety and Energy Organizations Request FCC to Ensure New 6 GHz Devices Protect Incumbent Users before Granting Additional Certifications

(22 February 2021) Energy, Public Safety Groups Urge FCC to Pause on Proposal to Permit Unlicensed 6 GHz Devices to Communicate with Each Other

(26 January 2021) Public Safety, Critical Infrastructure Remind FCC of Congressional Testing Directive for New 6 GHz Devices

(7 January 2021) In Letter to FCC, Southern Company Urges Commission Not to Pursue Additional 6 GHz Policies Until it Reports to Congress on Testing

(23 December 2020) Southern Company Files Amicus Brief Supporting Litigation Against FCC’s 6 GHz Order Permitting Unlicensed Use

(21 December 2020) In Court Pleading, Public Safety, Critical-Infrastructure Industries Outline Challenge to FCC April 2020 6 GHz Order

(1 December 2020) Utility Groups Petition Congressional Appropriations Committees to Keep Language in 2021 Appropriations Bills Requiring the FCC to Report on 6 GHz Testing

(16 November 2020) Utility Industry Associations meeting with Commissioners Rosenworcel and Starks urging Commission not to move forward prematurely

(13 November 2020) Utility Industry Associations meeting with Chairman Pai urging Commission not to move forward prematurely

(9 September 2020) Ex parte Meeting with OET regarding Open Letter

(21 August 2020) Open Letter of Associations to Support Multi-Stakeholder Group principles

(29 July 2020) UTC files in support of Fixed Wireless Communication Coalition Petition for Reconsideration because of material error or omission in FCC Order

(27 July 2020) UTC, Utility Associations File Reply Comments Opposed to FCC’s 6 GHz Further Proposed Rulemaking

(26 June 2020) Associations file letter in Support of EEI Petition

(23 April 2020) FCC Adopts Report & Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

(16 April 2020) Sen. Lisa Murkowski Presses FCC to Delay 6 GHz Rulemaking Amid Pandemic, Letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

(15 April 2020) Association Letter requesting changes to draft Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to reflect a formal record of communications

(14, 15, 16 April 2020) Stakeholder meeting with offices of Chairman Pai and  Commissioners RosenworcelStarksCarr and O’Rielly

(30 March 2020) UTC, EEI, Electric, Gas Industry Associations Discuss Study Updates with FCC Staff

(7 February 2020) UTC, EEI, Electric, Gas Industry Associations Rebut Criticisms of 6 GHz Interference Study

(24 January 2020) UTC, Electric Industry Associations Review Critical-Infrastructure Analysis into Interference Concerns Related to 6 GHz Proposal

(20 January 2020) Associations further clarify and correct any misperceptions about the January study

(13 January 2020) 7 associations submit study “Impact of Proposed Wi-Fi Operations on Microwave Links At 6 GHz”

(21 November 2019) UTC, EEI Review Utility Communications Needs, Question Interference Levels in 6 GHz Proceeding with FCC Staff

(12 November 2019) UTC Discusses 6 GHz Rulemaking in Meeting with FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly

(8 November 2019) Letter to Chairman Pai by 11 associations and 58 companies urging FCC to address the potential risk to public safety and CII

(1 November 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner Starks’ office

(30 October 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner O’Rielly’ office

(21 October 2019) Panel discussion with FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly at the EnVision Forum

(22 August 2019) Electric Utility Groups Urge FERC to Intervene in Spectrum Proceeding — Joint Comments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; UTC Files Supplemental Comments

(28 June 2019) UTC, Utility Engineers Discuss Concerns over 6 GHz Band with FCC’s Office of Engineering & Technology

(29 May 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Chairman Pai’s office
(23 May 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner Rosenworcel’ office
(23 May 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner Carr’ office
(22 May 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner O’Rielly’ office
(22 May 2019) Stakeholder meeting with Commissioner Starks’ office
(15 May 2019) 5 Association CEOs sign letter to Chairman Ajit Pai on Criticality of the 6 GHz Spectrum Band

(15 Feb 2019) Major Critical Infrastructure Industries Coalition pushes back against FCC proposal to expand 6 GHz to unlicensed use

(2 Oct 2017) UTC and EEI oppose expanded use of the 6 GHz bands for unlicensed and licensed broadband wireless fixed and mobile services.

(6 Sept 2016) The Utilities Technology Council (‘UTC’) provides the following written ex parte presentation in support of the Petition to Deny and the Opposition filed against the above-referenced application and waiver request of Higher Ground LLC, which seeks to operate a nationwide mobile network in the 5925- 6425 MHz band (6 GHz band).

(17 Feb  2017) UTC seeks full Commission review of an Order by the International and Wireless Bureaus and the Office of Engineering and Technology (collectively, “the Bureaus”), which granted an application and a waiver of the Commission’s rules to permit Higher Ground LLC to operate 50,000 mobile earth terminals in the 5925-6425 MHz band (“the 6 GHz band”).

Microwave Spectrum Bands

Utilities operate extensive microwave communications systems that they use for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint backhaul communications.  These systems support mission critical communications, providing highly reliable, high-capacity, cost-effective connectivity over long distances.  The 6 GHz band is one of the key spectrum bands that utilities use for microwave communications.  Recently, an application was filed with the FCC that proposes to use the 6 GHz band for a mobile nationwide network that would support the Internet of Things (IoT).  The application by Higher Ground requests a waiver of the FCC’s rules that prohibit mobile operations in the 6 GHz band and a waiver of the FCC rules that require prior coordination of any operation in the band.  UTC is concerned that the proposed mobile operations by Higher Ground would threaten to cause widespread interference to utility microwave operations in the 6 GHz band, and that the proposal by Higher Ground to use its own database to coordinate its operations would not mitigate the potential for interference to utility microwave systems in the band.  UTC filed comments that support petitions to deny the application by Higher Ground.  These comments oppose Higher Ground’s application on both procedural and substantive grounds, and request that the Commission deny the application or in the alternative conduct a rulemaking proceeding to address the significant issues that are raised by Higher Ground.

Department of Defense Spectrum RFI

Utilities See Benefits, Synergies in Sharing Spectrum with DoD (10/19/2020)–(READ MORE)

Threat to PLC Systems from Amateur Operations

The FCC is considering a rulemaking proceeding that would allow Radio Amateurs to operate on certain frequencies that are currently used by utilities for Powerline Carrier systems (PLC). UTC has opposed this proposal because of the potential interference that it could cause to PLC systems, which utilities use to protect the electric grid from widespread outages that could result from faults on the grid.

International Spectrum Allocation

UTC was also successful this year in establishing a committee on utility spectrum access as part of the ITU region for North and South America.   UTC will chair this group, and it will leverage existing research on the issue to support an ITU recommendation for a worldwide allocation of spectrum for utilities.

Wireless Headsets in Nuclear Power Plants

Use of Telex Headsets in Nuclear Power Plants. UTC has been working with the Nuclear Energy Institute to support utilities that seek to continue to use Telex headsets in nuclear power plants.  While the FCC has provided utilities with a conditional waiver to continue to operate these systems on an unlicensed basis, it is considering rules for the use of the 600 MHz band which could affect the ability of utilities to operate in this band going forward.  UTC is working with NEI to seek permanent relief for utilities that are operating these Telex headsets in nuclear power plant.


Rural Broadband

Over the last several years, the FCC has issued billions in grant funding to assist the deployment of broadband service in rural America. From the $20.4 billion Rural Digital Opportunity Fund to prior programs under the Connect America Fund umbrella, electric utilities are well suited to bring broadband connectivity to unserved and underserved locations. UTC has been working with the FCC to develop rules that would promote access to funding for robust, affordable and reliable broadband services in rural America that are reasonably comparable in terms of quality and cost to the broadband services that are available in urban and suburban areas of the country. UTC believes that this is an investment in the future of these communities, and that the rules should promote the deployment of broadband networks that are future-proof and would promote economic growth and improve education and health care.  Utilities represent a real solution to the digital divide and the FCC should promote access to funding by utilities to deploy broadband networks and offer robust, affordable and reliable broadband services to rural America.

Connect America Fund Schools and Libraries Program

UTC filed reply comments in support of two petitions, one by Microsoft Corporation, Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corporation (MBC) and other petitioners, and the other petition by Boulder Valley School District, which seek to extend E-rate (i.e. the Connect America Fund Schools and Libraries Program) to apply to broadband for off-campus use and to waive the requirement for the E-rate applicant to cost allocate the portion of the traffic attributable to off-campus use.  UTC echoed comments on the record that supported these petitions as a way to remedy the so-called homework gap that results when students cannot access the Internet from their homes, even though they have Internet access at their schools.  UTC also debunked comments that opposed the petitions arguing that E-rate shouldn’t be extended to apply to off-campus broadband because of insufficient safeguards to ensure that funding was actually used for educational purposes.

FCC Broadband Progress Report

The FCC is required by Congress to regularly assess the state of broadband deployment; and if it determines that it is not being made available to all Americans on a reasonable and timely basis, it must take immediate action to remove barriers to investment.  The FCC is conducting its latest assessment and has initiated a Notice of Inquiry to collect information for the preparation of its Twelfth Broadband Progress Report.  This latest Inquiry invites comment on whether the Commission should update the current definition of broadband from 25/3 mbps and also whether it should consider non-speed factors such as latency, jitter, and usage allowances (i.e. data caps) when making its determination as to whether broadband is being deployed on a reasonable and timely basis.  UTC’s comments describe how utilities are deploying future-proof broadband networks and offering robust, reliable, and affordable broadband services.  In its comments, UTC supported increasing the benchmark for speed to 50/20 mbps and supported adopting benchmarks for latency at less than 100 ms, as well as unlimited usage allowances (i.e. no data caps) for fixed broadband services.   UTC concluded that increasing the benchmarks for speed and adopting benchmarks that lower latency and remove data caps will help to ensure that all Americans – including those in rural areas — are able to access broadband services that are capable of meeting increasing demands for higher speeds and lower latency to support applications such as over-the-top video, as well as voice and machine-to-machine communications, such as smart grid.


Pole Attachments

Pole Attachments. The FCC has expanded access requirements and reduced rates for pole attachments by third parties to provide a range of communications services.  UTC believes that these access and rate regulations for pole attachments already threaten safety, reliability and security and subsidize the communications industry.  Hence, UTC has cautioned against any further expansion of pole attachment regulations on utilities and has urged the FCC to protect the safety, reliability and security of utility infrastructure from unauthorized attachments and attachments that violate utility standards.

IP Transition

Utilities are affected by the ongoing IP Transition, as wireline commercial carriers migrate from copper-based, circuit-switched networks and towards IP-based networks and services. Some utilities have hundreds or even thousands of substations that rely on leased lines and analog services from the carriers that are being transitioned or discontinued altogether.  The replacement services may not meet utility requirements for reliability and performance to support utility operations.  Alternatively, if the service is being discontinued altogether, utilities may lack any connectivity to these substations.  UTC’s position on this issue is that the FCC should require that carriers provide sufficient notice to utilities prior to transitioning or discontinuing service and the replacement service must be as good or better than the legacy carrier service.

Quadrennial Energy Review

Quadrennial Energy Review

The Department of Energy is developing its second installment of the QER, which will consider issues such as distributed and centralized generation, physical and cyber vulnerabilities, federal, state, and local policy direction, expectations of residential and commercial consumers, and a review of existing and evolving business models for a range of entities throughout the system.  In response, UTC met with the Department of Energy (DOE) and filed comments with the DOE on various issues including utility wireless and wireline communications.

UTC this letter providing comments regarding the QER to Energy Policy and Systems Analysis,  U.S. Department of Energy on August 19, 2016.

For more information, contact the UTC Advocacy / Government Affairs department


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