UTC advocates on matters affecting the telecommunications and information technology interests of electric, gas, and water utilities and other critical infrastructure industries. We advocate on these matters at the Federal Communications Commission and other federal agencies, Congress and the federal courts, as well as state commissions and legislatures, and international bodies. These matters include access to spectrum for utilities, broadband, infrastructure access and resilience, and both physical and cybersecurity. This page provides access to our comments and other filings on these matters, as well as related documents.
UTC’s Public Policy Division routinely develops resources regarding topics of particular importance in Washington, D.C., across the country, and around the world. To sign up and participate in the PPD, please email us at legal@utc.org. If there are key topics you are interested in and need more information, please email us at legal@utc.org to contact UTC’s Advocacy/Government Affairs Department.
The Utilities Technology Council (UTC) is a global association for the information and communications technology interests of all types of electric gas and water utilities, including investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives, and public power utilities. All utilities own, maintain, and operate extensive private internal communications systems which they use to support the safe, reliable, and secure delivery of essential energy and water services. Utilities also promote broadband access and provide broadband services over their utility communications networks, and they provide access to pole attachments on their utility distribution infrastructure. UTC advocates for policies that promote utility communications networks and ensure the safety, reliability, and security of utility personnel and critical infrastructure networks.
For more information, contact the UTC Advocacy / Government Affairs department legal@utc.org.